Frequently asked questions.
Q: Do I have to be married to go to a marriage and family therapist?
A: No. Individuals often seek marriage and family therapy for help with behavioral problems, relationship issues, or mental and emotional disorders. Individuals may also enter marriage and family therapy to work on issues which may be preventing them from being in a relationship or to work on issues from a marriage or a relationship that has ended. Couples need not be married to seek or benefit from marriage and family therapy. Anyone who wants to improve their relationships can benefit.
Q: Can a marriage and family therapist prescribe medications?
A: No, marriage and family therapists are not physicians. You would have to meet with your family physician or a psychiatrist in order to receive prescription medications.
Q: I am teenager, can I seek counseling without my parents/guardians permission?
A: That depends, Ohio law permits children 14 years and older to have 30 days or 6 sessions without parental consent.
Q: Are provided services confidential?
A: Yes, clients are protected by confidentiality laws. This means that no information can be released without your consent. Exceptions to this include harm to self or others and legal subpoenas.
Q: How do I make an appointment with Family Connection?
A: You can call (330) 730-7353 and leave a confidential voice message or leave a message on the entry form on this website. It will take 10 to 15 minutes to get some basic information from you such as the reason you are seeking service, and the type of insurance coverage you carry.
Q: Can my insurance be billed for services?
A: Family Connection is contracted with several insurance companies. If you have mental health coverage, the office will bill the insurance company for you. The part you are responsible for is called the co-pay. Certain PPO plans carry a deductible which is also your financial responsibility. Payment is expected at the time of service. Depending on your plan, you may have to contact your insurance company to obtain an authorization number before your appointment.
Q: What can I expect from my first appointment with Family Connection?
A: The initial appointment is about getting to know you, your child, or your family. You will be asked questions about your symptoms, the length and duration of your concern, and the reason for the appointment. To better understand you, the assessment may also include questions about the past and look into your family, relational, medical, social, and occupational histories. Sometimes it takes more than one visit to get all of this information. Once a thorough history is taken, a treatment plan will be discussed with you. This is also where you get to decide on your goals, or what you wish to gain from counseling. All appointments are 50 minutes in length.
Q: Who should attend the first appointment?
A: A therapist will discuss this with you as it depends on the nature of your treatment.
Q: Can my counseling records be released to anyone without my knowledge?
A: No. Records cannot be released without your written consent. By law, Family Connection cannot communicate with anyone unless you give permission. This is done to protect your privacy. Please be advised that there are certain exceptions. We may have to release information about you if you threaten to harm yourself and/or others. This is done for your protection. We must also comply with any judge’s order. It is also necessary for your insurance company to have some basic information about you like the diagnosis.
Q: For how many sessions will I be seen?
A: That depends. Some people stay in counseling briefly. Others have many goals in mind for their work. There are even those who return for occasional brief crises. Whatever the situation may be, counseling is viewed as a process for helping people to find solutions to their concerns: counseling ought to be practical and helpful.
Q: What if I need medication?
A: Sometimes a person needs additional help with their symptoms. If it has become difficult for you to work, get the proper rest from sleep, manage your relationships, or if depression and anxiety have negatively impacted your thinking, appetite, and energy, Family Connection can help you arrange a medication management consult with a psychiatrist or your family practitioner.
Q: Will Family Connection communicate with the doctor who referred me?
A: Communication is essential to good treatment results and is encouraged. With your permission, Family Connection will send a summary letter to your doctor describing the treatment plan and any recommendations or can speak with your doctor by telephone.
Q: Is my therapist available for consultations with other professionals on my behalf inside or outside of the office?
A: Yes. Counselors realize that it becomes necessary from time-to-time to meet personally with other professionals who are involved with clients. You should know, however, that this service is not covered by insurance. A cash payment arrangement will need to be discussed with Family Connection.
Q: Do you have evening appointments available?
A: A wide variety of appointment times are available to meet your schedule.
Q: When should I seek counseling?
A: Counseling can be of benefit to anyone who is struggling with any issue. Just as you would seek your physician when not feeling well physically, a therapist may be of benefit when things just do not seem right for you emotionally.